Home > Business > The Benefits of Metal Tags for Product Identification and Asset Tracking

The Benefits of Metal Tags for Product Identification and Asset Tracking

Since metal tags are long-lasting and strong and can endure harsh environments and extremely high temperatures, they are becoming more and more popular for asset tracking and product identification. Asset labels and tags may benefit firms in a variety of ways, including improving the accountability of priceless equipment and tracking and overseeing crucial assets.  You may also create Custom Metal Tags with a barcode and identification number etched on them in addition to the aforementioned advantages. Metal asset tags will be discussed in this article along with their qualities, key advantages, and uses, as well as how to utilize them with your equipment. so, Let’s begin now!

What is Asset Tagging?

Asset tagging is the process of affixing labels or tags on assets to track data, such as location in real-time and maintenance history, and individually identify each one of them. These tags may be applied to both fixed and mobile assets that are scattered throughout multiple sites and warehouses. Allowing businesses to have a thorough awareness of the assets they hold. You may collect a variety of information by affixing tags and labels on assets and entering them in a digital asset register. Data on assets may include:

  •         Current location
  •         Users
  •         Purchase background
  •         Maintenance plans
  •         Value of depreciation

Benefits of Metal Tags

  •    Streamlining processes and saving time is crucial, especially in sectors like healthcare where quick actions are vital for saving lives. Continuous access to an asset’s location is essential. As manually searching for assets in a dynamic workplace can consume valuable time.
  •   Continuous improvement of asset usage is achieved by businesses as they monitor asset data and analyze inefficiencies, making resources more effective. A database including all the information about an asset, such as repairs, maintenance schedules, and use statistics, might be accessed, for instance, by barcoding machines.
  • Lowers the expense of administration:  Businesses simply cannot afford to be wasteful with their human resources. Many firms depend on making the most of employee work time to stay afloat.
  •  Stop Unauthorized Transfer and Theft: Although it’s not always easy to imagine a purpose for asset tags, enhancing security is one of its most significant advantages. Prominently marked high-value items with sturdy barcode labels. Some asset tags are expressly made to show signs of manipulation.

Metal Tag Types

Metal tags come in four different fundamental categories:

  • Screen Printed Metal Tags: They are quite durable, cost-effective, and generate vivid pictures on a range of materials.
  • Anodized Aluminum Tags: They can withstand abrasion, chemicals, and a broad variety of temperatures.
  • Stainless steel tags are incredibly resistant to heat, chemicals, and scratches because the designs are engraved into the material.
  • Brass tags: They have great aesthetic value and are incredibly robust. These tags are ideal for coastal settings since they are resistant to seawater.

Application of Metal Tags to Equipment

First, where you position your tags is crucial. Metal asset tags should be mounted to a flat surface since they are often stiff. Make sure they are the appropriate size and place them in a location where you can quickly find them.

Once you’ve decided on the size and placement of your tags, you may seek appropriate ways to attach them to your gear, like:

  • Predrilled Holes: Some metal tags include holes in one, two, or four of their corners. To mount them to a surface, use screws or bolts.
  • Welding: To prevent loose screws, fasten the metal tag directly to the surface.
  • Wires/chains: Wrap a wire with a metal tag attached to it around irregular surfaces.
  • Adhesive Back: Apply strong glue to the back of your metal plate and add a small piece of paper you can easily pull off if required. Place it there and give it between 24 and 48 hours to set.

For more information on metal tags visit here to related posts.


The kind of asset tags you want will depend on your workplace, but if you want the best and most long-lasting option, metal asset tags are a clear choice. All of the aforementioned criteria must be taken into account, but the best course of action is to ask a reliable business to customize your asset labels to meet your unique requirements.  

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